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“Richard is an excellent English Language Teaching manager. He brings together his expertise in the worlds of business and English Language training in a management style that is insightful, constructive, supportive and extremely practical. He is a hands-on professional and a pleasure to work with.“

Alan Marsh

Teacher Trainer and Chairman of MATEFL


"Richard's approach to his work is always professional with a keen focus on achieving tangible outcomes. His extensive background in training and school management means that he can provide any ELT organisation with valuable insight." 

John Hughes

ELT Trainer and Course Book Author


“Richard has extensive experience in every area of teaching English and also in the preparation of students for certifications at every level. Highly prepared, rigorous and effective, he carries out his training sessions / presentations in an extremely fruitful manner; the time he dedicated to our group of teachers has been intensively exploited. Richard was very professional and organized, and always maintained a high level interest and attention thanks to the schedule he carefully planned, based on the needs expressed by our group.”

Daniela Del Sero

English Teacher, Liceo Classico Tito Livio Padova


“Richard is an exceptional teacher. When I was a student in Malta, he trained me and helped me to pass the FCE in just a few weeks. My starting level of English was very low. Richard was always a supportive teacher and this is one of his main attributes. I would highly recommend him, even if you are starting from scratch. With his skills and experience,  he will succeed in turning you into a good English speaker.”

Sophie Amara

Private student

Ashraf M. Eltarhuni.jpg

"Richard's support was very valuable for me, he willingly offered his assistance to me and his assistance was very helpful to make me pass the IELTS exam with the desired score as he was able to teach me the tricks and the right methodology to pass the exam successfully.
Apart from his professional skills, his kindness and good personality is an added value that makes him a good teacher.
Frankly whenever I will need an assistance again for the IELTS I will go for him and recommend him for anyone who will go for this test"

Ashraf M. Eltarhuni

IELTS student


“Il Centro Risorse per la Didattica delle Lingue, dell'Assessorato Istruzione, Università, Ricerca e Politiche giovanili della Regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta, si è avvalso della collaborazione del dott. Richard Twigg per tre anni scolastici consecutivi (2016/17-2017/18-2018/19) in un ampio spettro di attività. Il dott. Twigg ha curato diverse edizioni di seminari e corsi di formazione per i docenti della regione e, in particolare,  seminari per la preparazione agli esami TKT CLIL dei docenti di Scuola Secondaria di Primo e Secondo grado e corsi di formazione professionale su varie tematiche inerenti l'insegnamento della lingua inglese attraverso le nuove tecnologie a supporto della riforma del sistema educativo regionale che prevedeva l'insegnamento di discipline non linguistiche in lingue inglese (art. 5 D.Lgs 3 marzo 2016 n. 44). 


Il dott. Twigg ha inoltre curato la predisposizione di booklet per le prove standardizzate regionali di lingua inglese, edizione 2017 (per le classi quinte di scuola primaria, terze di scuola secondaria di primo grado e seconde di scuola secondaria di secondo grado) e 2018 (per le classi seconde della scuola secondaria di secondo grado, previste dall'art. 6 della legge regionale n. 18/2016. 


In ogni occasione, il dott. Twigg ha riscosso l'apprezzamento di coordinatori e referenti della nostra struttura e dei docenti che ha formato per la professionalità, la puntualità e la grande disponibilità dimostrata."


Gabriella Vernetto

Dirigente tecnico

Regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-13 at

“Richard Twigg is an exceptional manager. He has a diverse range of skills and has to be the best Director of Studies and Manager that I have ever come across. He takes a personal interest in each of his employees and ensures there are plenty of development opportunities for them and that they are placed in the best positions for their skills sets. He also makes sure that his staff have everything they need in place to do their job. When any technical issues arise, he tackles them immediately to enable things to run smoothly. He is proactive in seizing opportunities to develop the centre and diversify its provision. I can’t recommend him highly enough.”

Marie Pettigrew 

Freelance CELTA Trainer/Assessor and EFL tutor


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